Hey Everyone! As I hope many of you already know we will be reopening on Friday, September 4th at 10:00am! We are so excited to FINALLY move forward after what will be 14 weeks! Yesterday marked the 12th week since the fire.
We will be getting all of our displays, shelves, tables and everything else on Wednesday. Everything was taken to be cleaned shortly after the fire and then they had to hang on to it until after the store was renovated to prevent it from getting dirty and covered in dust from the ceiling installation!
Here's what you need to know about our store in September. We will be open Friday September 4th and Saturday the 5th from 10:00am - 5:30pm and Sunday from 12:00pm - 4:00pm. We will be closed September 7th through the 9th to regroup and catch up on making products.
We hope to only need 2 weeks to get into the swing of things but will announce our hours on a week to week basis until we are comfortable with our production schedule. At this time, FALL scented products will be delayed until probably the end of September / early October. We put all out energy into getting our regular products made that we didn't get to the FALL ones yet.
We do ask that you have a mask on when you come in and wear it while shopping if you cannot maintain a 6 foot or more distance from other shoppers and/or our staff. We will be doing everything in our power to clean and sanitize throughout the day. We will have hand sanitizer at the door when you come in and ask that you use it upon entering - and if you like it, we'll have plenty to purchase.
The website will be password protected from late Tuesday August 25th until 9:00AM September 4th! You may receive in stock notifications while we update the system but you will not be able to view the items or make a purchase until September 4th.
We will be offering in person shopping as well as, pick-up in store, curbside pick-up, order shipping and private shopping appointments. All of these will be available beginning September 4th.
If you have any questions about the options above call us at 815-915-2001 or send us a message at info@rachelrenebath.com
Thank you to all of you! Words cannot explain how happy I am to get back to the shop and back to soapmaking. The last 12 weeks have been extremely hard and the next 2 weeks will be extremely busy and that makes my heart happy!!!
I will see you all on the 4th!