This Saturday, July 4th, will mark 5 weeks since we had to to close the storefront due to a fire at the neighboring building. The smoke damage was intense and wiped out just about everything we had.
Unfortunately due to COVID-19 the restoration process is taking longer than we'd hoped. And, with any project, little hurdles pop up with every step. This week was the insulation removal. Due to the very limited space for equipment, they are recommending all out ceilings be removed in to order to remove the wet/sooty insulation. That project alone will put us back 2 weeks at least due to availability of the removal company.
I am rolling with the punches as best I can. The original plan to begin production in the kitchen where the business started has been halted at the moment. I was going to begin production when I realized I have none of our equipment. Every bowl, spoon, soap mold, stainless steel pot, mixer and everything else was taken for cleaning and restoration. So we wait.
Ideally, we were hoping to be open by August 1st. That is still the goal for now unless something insane happens. As soon as we any more info or a date for our grand re-re-re-opening I will let everyone know!
Thank you for your continued support and for your understanding during this time!
Thinking of you! It will all happen but we all need to be patient. So sorry you are going thru this.